


其中的Food Service Supervisors应该就是一个被滥用的一直职业吧。最主要的是偏偏选择星期五下午发布,还他妈的从星期六就马上开始实行。等于说星期五收完快递就结束了。请问星期六政府有人收快递么.这次的变动,我想会影响很多中国学生,已经未来的就业问题。估计很多中介,直接就措手不及吧。
Between November 9, 2013 to October 31, 2014, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will accept a maximum of 12,000 new applications under the Canadian Experience Class (CEC).

Because of an overrepresentation in the CEC applications received to date, the following six occupations will no longer be eligible for the CEC starting November 9, 2013:

cooks (NOC code 6322);
food service supervisors (NOC 6311);
administrative officers (NOC 1221);
administrative assistants (NOC 1241);
accounting technicians and bookkeepers (NOC 1311); and
retail sales supervisors (NOC 6211).

CIC already has a large inventory of applications in these occupations and will continue processing them to a final decision.

In addition, CIC will establish sub-caps of 200 applications each for National Occupational Classification (NOC) B occupations. These are mostly technical and administrative jobs or those in the skilled trades. NOC 0 and A (managerial and professional) occupations will not be sub-capped, but they will be subject to the overall cap of 12,000 applications.

Q: 已经递交的申请怎么办?
A: 已经递交的申请还会继续按照原先的标准审理。已经递交了应该可以放心了吧。应该吧.

Q: 已经积累了一段时间这样的工作经验,怎么办?
A: 工作经验将不能算数,只能重新累积新的工作经验。这其实白白浪费了有一些人一年的时间,很悲剧啊.

Q: 换成别的工作经验保险吗?
A: 建议换成NOC 0或者A类的工作,B类的每个职业将收到200名额的限制,也可以换到B类较冷门的工作。一声叹息啊。

Q: 工签即将到期,怎么办?
A: 可以通过办理LMO延长工签。


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